横滨 滩万宝馆
高岛屋 横滨店8层

A Relaxing Venue
From the Yokohama Station west exit a 2-minute walk. I prepared for the space that it was peace and calm, and ""was good-quality Japanese style modishness"" that forgot the urban noise.
Please thoroughly enjoy the Japanese food using seasonal seasonal ingredients.
From the Yokohama Station west exit a 2-minute walk. I prepared for the space that it was peace and calm, and ""was good-quality Japanese style modishness"" that forgot the urban noise.
Please thoroughly enjoy the Japanese food using seasonal seasonal ingredients.
- 地址
- 〒220-8601
神奈川县横浜市西区南幸1-6-31 高岛屋 横滨店8层
- 营业时间
- 11:00~22:00